Interested in cost of wheat production for global players for example? Answers to this question and many more you´ll find on subsequent pages.
This section provides you with analytical reports, articles and scientific thesis about economics in global crop production. The list of publications is under permanent extension and is updated from time to time.
Members of the agri benchmark Cash Crop Network have access to an extended list of publications and data. To view our member downloads please log in
Further information to be obtained from Tanja Möllmann
Latest publications of the Cash Crop branch:
Farm to Fork -
Substantial Cuts in Output, Little GHG Savings in the EU
(Review of a JRC report by Yelto Zimmer, pdf-document, 188 KB)
Erheblicher Produktionsrückgang, wenig Einsparung bei Treibhausgas-Emissionen
(Einschätzung des JRC Berichts von Y. Zimmer, pdf-document, 188 KB)
Challenges and Perspectives in the Direct Marketing of Crop Inputs
(agri benchmark report, 2021, pdf-document, 614 KB)
Challenges and Perspectives in Global Rapeseed Production
(agri benchmark report, 2020, pdf-document, 1.950 KB)
Russian oilseed production on the rise
(Briefing paper 2018/9, pdf-document, 1.476 KB)
Farmers in northeast China look for profitable alternatives to corn
(Full version of published article, pdf-document, 1.171 KB)
If you are interested in the agri benchmark methodology please visit
Terminology and methodology for economic farm analysis (Cash Crop Model)
The agri benchmark Cash Crop Newsletter will give you a compact overview of new publications and projects of the Cash Crop Network.
agri benchmark Newsletter (September 2021)
agri benchmark Newsletter (April 2021)