Cash Crop Conferences

Our conferences are the place to meet colleagues and sometimes even friends in order to challenge data and results generated and to draw conclusions regarding the future developments in global crop production, trade and farm management. And we jointly decide about new topics and the evolution of the network. We strive for an excellent service for the partners in terms of sites, accommodation and catering.

The conference location is moving around the globe – thereby providing first-hand insights to global crop production to research and commercial partners. Therefore, the programme is complemented through a number of farms visits during which partner also intensively discuss with farm managers and agribusiness representatives.

Attached to the internal conference together with hosting partners we organize a so-called “Global Forum” where national experts are invited. Thereby our partners showcase their involvement in the global network and the potential benefit agri benchmark has to offer to national decision makers.

Information on other events agri benchmark Cash Crop participated in can be found here.

Below detailed information about past and scheduled conference are available:

Other Conferences

Apart from running our own annual conferences and trainings, agri benchmark staff and cooperation partners regularly participate in international conferences to exchange ideas, to find new partners and to intensify long-standing partnerships and last, but not least, to present agri benchmark results to a broader public.

Grain Market Outlook Conference 2016

Samuel Balieiro, member of the agri benchmark Cash Crop team in Braunschweig, Germany and project manager in charge of agri benchmark Cash Crop South America, Asia and Australia, took part in the Grain Market Outlook Conference 2016.

The conference was organized by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), a levy board funded by British farmers and growers.

In London Samuel presented agri benchmark results regarding the competitiveness in grain and oilseed production. 


Samuel´s presentation is available as a PDF file, too.

Exploring international competitiveness in grain and oilseed (pdf, 838 KB)

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