Beef and Sheep Report 2023
This report provides a short overview of the most important developments of the global beef and sheep sectors in 2022/2023. It looks at consumption, production, trade and prices globally. The economic analysis comprises price developments and benchmarking results from the agri benchmark data base.
For more detailed information, for example detailed farm data and results, please contact agri benchmark Beef and Sheep Headquarters.
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Still available:
Beef and Sheep Report 2020
(web version)
Beef and Sheep Report 2019
Beef and Sheep Report 2018
Latest publications of the Beef and Sheep branch:
Please download the project brief on a recently completed project on “Implementing sustainable farming for forest conservation, while improving rural livelihoods and peace-building in Colombia”. agri benchmark was responsible for the analysis of sustainable land use trials in the Amazonian and Caribbean regions of Colombia.
agri benchmark contributed to the WWF-coordinated project SuLu2 Land Use Change in Savannas and Grasslands through analysing sustainable cattle ranching systems in Colombia and Paraguay together with local producers, advisors and experts.
Beef Case Study in the Flooded Savannas of Colombia
(English Version, 2020)
Estudio De Caso Sobre La Producción DE Ganado De Cría En Las Sabanas Inundables De Colombia
(Spanish Version, 2020)
(Katrin Agethen, Peter Weeks, Briefing Paper 2020/1, 2020)
agri benchmark fact sheet: Cattle and Sheep
(Katrin Agethen, Peter Weeks, 2020)
Sistemas silvopastoriles y su contribución al uso eficiente de los recursos y a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: Evidencia desde América Latina
(FAO, CIPAV and agri benchmark publication, 2020, Spanish version)
Silvopastoral systems and their contribution to improved use and sustainable development goals: Evidence from Latin America
(FAO, CIPAV and agri benchmark publication, 2019, English version)
An illustration of the benefits of intensive silvopastoral systems:
Intensive Silvopatoral Systems - World Animal Protection
(Documentary about silvopastoral systems, video, 11 minutes)
To download further publications and for information of completed and ongoing projects click below.
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The agri benchmark Beef and Sheep Newsletter will give you a compact overview of new publications and projects of the Beef and Sheep Network.
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agri benchmark Beef and Sheep Newsletter (December, 2017)
agri benchmark Beef and Sheep Newsletter (November, 2016)
agri benchmark Beef and Sheep Newsletter (January, 2016)