Category: Horticulture
By: Kathrin Strohm

Spring time means asparagus time - asparagus production in Germany

asparagus sorting

asparagus production

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Asparagus is cultivated in 45 countries in the world, but only 16 countries produced more than 10,000 tonnes in 2013. In Germany, asparagus is one of the most important vegetables.

The global production of white and green asparagus together has grown by 20 % over the last 10 years (FAO, 2015) and reached nearly 8 million tonnes in 2013. 88 % of global production or about 7 million tonnes are reported to be produced in China. However, UN Comtrade data show that less than 1 % of Chinese production is traded on international markets (UN Comtrade, 2015). Peru and Mexico rank second and third in global asparagus production. During the last decade, both countries almost doubled their production and now produce 383,000 and 126,000 tonnes respectively.

Germany is the largest European asparagus producer and ranks fourth in the world. In 2014, asparagus covered 22 % of Germany’s vegetable area and thus is by far the most important vegetable crop, in particular due to its high value. Parallel to the global development, also the asparagus area in Germany grew from 18,200 ha in 2003 to more than 25,300 ha in 2014. Asparagus is cultivated as a perennial crop with a production cycle of eight years on average. In Germany, about 20 % of the asparagus area is under establishment.

The asparagus production in Germany is highly concentrated in specific regions. More than 5,400 ha are located in Lower Saxony, in particular close to Hannover; Brandenburg close to Berlin increased its areas tremendously and cultivates more than 4,200 ha; North Rhine-Westphalia accommodates another 4,000 ha.

In addition to its national production of 103,100 tonnes asparagus in 2013, Germany imported nearly 24,000 tonnes in the same year. Of these, 86 % originated from European countries, with Greece (33 %) and Spain (19 %) as major suppliers. Outside the EU, Peru and Mexico are main sources for asparagus imported by Germany.

The agri benchmark Horticulture team has started analysing the economics of asparagus and is in the process of establishing the first typical farm, located near Hannover in Northern Germany.

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