Category: Pig
By: Tracy Davids

South African pork production – small but dynamic


Pork production is a small industry in South Africa. Only 250 commercial pork producers manage approximately 103 000 sows, typically in a closed farrow to finish system. Informal producers account for a further 40 000 sows countrywide. Producers typically mix their own feed on the farm, optimising feed conversion ratios at various stages of production. Despite the industry’s small size, an average of 27 piglets is weaned per sow per year, allowing the small number of producers to compete with international counterparts. The industry is relatively concentrated, with 80 % of the 2.5 million pigs slaughtered annually by 10 abattoirs.

Globally, pork accounts for the majority of meat consumed, yet in South Africa, meat consumption is dominated by poultry. In 2012, South Africans consumed only 4.2 kg of pork per capita, compared to 34.6 kg chicken per capita. Traditionally, South African consumers have a strong preference for beef, while chicken provides a cheap and healthy alternative. Pork consumption is influenced by religious factors, with a large share of the population not consuming any pork products due to religious sentiments.

As a net importer of pork products, domestic producers are forced to compete with producers in Canada and the EU. Pork producers have been under pressure recently, due to the high cost of feed following poor weather conditions in the USA. At the same time, demand for pork products has been negatively influenced, due to consumer’s lack of purchasing power. As a result of the challenges faced, the industry has consolidated in recent times, with the number of pork producers declining, despite sow numbers remaining relatively constant.

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